Dear Parents,
Thank you for the opportunity to care for your child. It is our goal to provide EGBC members and guests with a first-class nursery and children’s area. To achieve this goal, we need the help of each parent. Following are some guidelines and information that will be helpful to you and our children’s workers.
1. Please label your child’s belongings with his or her name. This includes, diaper bags, bottles, cups, pacifiers, jackets and coats. Labels are available at the check-in desk. Please do not bring personal toys.
2. It is our policy that any child who currently has or has had any of the following in the past 24 hours will not be allowed in the nursery:
· Vomiting
· Diarrhea
· Fever
· Sore Throat
· Frequent Cough
· Runny nose with colored discharge
· Skin Infection/Unusual Rash (does not apply to children who have exczema)
· Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox
· Pink eye
· Major Illness
If your child is being treated with antibiotics he/she should be on the medication 48 hours prior to coming to the nursery/children’s area. Nursery and children’s workers are not permitted to administer medication to a child.
3. If your child will need a bottle while in the nursery, please either have it prepared or have the water and formula pre-measured. For safety and health reasons, nursery workers are not permitted to measure formula or water to make a bottle.
4. This is a secured area. For safety and health reasons, parents or persons other than scheduled workers are not permitted inside the children’s area. Children and bags will need to be handed over to a worker at the door.
5. Check-In Process: Parents should print each child’s name on the sign in sheet along with any allergies and special instructions. At that time you will be given a number tag which corresponds to the number next to the child’s name. Your child and diaper bag will also be tagged with the same number. After the service, you will be asked to return your number tag to the check-in desk when you pick up your child. If a name tag is not already prepared, please write your child’s name on a label and place this on your child’s back.
6. To expedite the process, parents will be asked to complete an Information Sheet for each child who will be attending classes in the children’s area. Please turn these in to Sheri Courtney at your earliest opportunity. This will allow us to pre-print some of your information on the sign-in sheet and prepare name tags. You should then receive the same number each week. You will still need to fill in the “Special Instructions,” “Time-In” and sign your name each week. Parents will need to let me know when changes need to be made on a child’s Information Sheet.
7. Your child’s number may also be used to “page” you if your child needs your attention during the service. If your number appears on the screen at the front of the auditorium, please discreetly exit the service and make your way to the children’s area. A worker will meet you at the check-in desk. If you will be in a classroom other than the main auditorium during Sunday school or church, please indicate your locations under “Special Instructions” on the sign in sheet. We may ask you to turn your cell phone on vibrate so that we can send a text message to you if needed.
8. Parents may begin checking children in 15 minutes before the start of each service. If others are ahead of you to check-in or check-out, please form a single, orderly line. Please be patient. We will make every effort to check the children in and out as quickly and efficiently as possible. Remember that these additional measures are for the safety of all the children we serve.
9. Pick-Up – When you pick up your child, you will be asked to present the number that you were given at check-in. We will match that with the number on your child and diaper bag and keep the ring of numbers at the desk for the next service. You also need to sign and indicate the time you picked up your child on the sign in sheet.
10. The Information Sheet also allows you to list the names of up to 2 additional adults (18 years or older) who may pick up your child. Your child will ONLY be released to you or those named on the information sheet and ONLY upon presentation of the number that matches the child’s number.
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